Monday, 24 December 2018


With free thought and goodness, i offer myself.
With the aim to exert all my energy to get your endeavor achieved.
To pursue with intense pursuance your goals.
To be your support, your shoulder to lean on.
Aligning my purpose to yours, else i should be carried away by mine.
Meditating with only the sound of the birds as my company.
In solitude, with clearness and calmness of mind, i persevere in your line of direction.
With a geat level of idemnity, even when there is none, i execute your orders.
With a sense of urgency, i move to realize your aspirations.
And yet, i get despised, trampled on and viewed as being unwise by your person.

No! i am none of those, i was only being a human with a free mind.

Friday, 14 December 2018

9 freaking years. And i am telling you this, it hurts.
Its the pain that rips you apart.
Its the pain i tell you that brings you from the extremum of happiness to the pit of sorrow and anguish.

I swear to God, i miss her too.
Sometimes all i wish for is to hear her laugh.
I still remember her exceptional laugh.
Her smile.
She was so beautiful.
I miss her so much.

All we are left with now is just memories.
Memories of joy.
Memories of her laughs.
And everything.
Because i tell you, she is just one of those beautiful souls you never fail to miss.

Its been 9years. 
But the wounds still havent healed.

Its been 9years, 
but i tell you it feels like yesterday.

Its been 9years, but we still miss you.
What wouldnt we give to see even if its as little as a smile.

Some know you by mum. I know you best by "yawo jummai". I miss you. I love you.
Your kids Insha Allah. They will grow up to be wonderful boys and they will make you proud.
Make us proud.
